Our Bedding

Base cover
A handmade cover for a customised look on your bed.

A simple cover to protect your bed and to quickly get a fresh look and feel.

Margo bed skirt
A handmade bed skirt with slits for a custom fit and perfect look.

Mathilda bed skirt
A handmade bed skirt for a custom fit and perfect look.

Royal bed skirt
A handmade bed skirt with slits and soft corners for custom fit and perfect look.

Terry Towelling
For protection of the top pad.

Cecilia Bedspread
Classic bedspread designed as you like.

Charlotte Bedspread
Classic bedspread designed by you.

DUX duvet superior light
Our finest down duvet for summer heat- if you are warm or your house is very well insulated.

DUX duvet superior warm
Our finest down duvet to keep you perfectly warm.

DUX duvet excellent medium light
A great all-round duvet for comfort and good quality.

DUX duvet excellent warm
A very warm duvet, for those who like it cosy with the softness of a cloud.

DUX Xleep pillow
DUX Xleep pillow contains a system of active micro springs to ensure that the neck and head stay aligned with the spine.
DUX Spring system

DUX pillow superior soft
A super soft pillow with minimal support for a sensitive neck.

DUX pillow superior firm
A soft pillow with perfect support.

DUX pillow excellent soft
A great all-round pillow.

DUX pillow excellent firm
A firmer pillow for more support.

DUX pillow case superior satin
Our incredible superior cotton satin collection, handmade in excellent quality.

DUX pillow case satin
Our incredible cotton satin collection, handmade in fine quality.

DUX duvet cover superior satin
Our incredible superior cotton satin collection, handmade in excellent quality.

DUX duvet cover satin
Our incredible cotton satin collection, handmade in fine quality.
DUX flat sheet satin plain
Our incredible cotton satin collection, handmade in fine quality.